Friday, January 6, 2012

Reflections by Donna

Reflection by Donna Shewmaker
Where does one begin to tell the blessings of such a trip?
l. I was impressed by the immenseness of Petra and the ornate carvings out of rock throughout the whole area. Awesome to think what hands and tools
brought forth such a picture of that time and place.
2. Seeing the Qumran caves and knowing that therein were the findings of Holy Scripture of events so long ago. I would have loved it if the Israel Museum had been opened.
3. The Garden Tomb offered special memories and moments. Appreciated the communion service there and imagining/knowing that the Trinity was in our midst.
4. Was touched by the singing and scripture and emotions we shared in the pit where our Lord may have been held or one like it. Felt the presence close there.
5. Jerusalem – The Holy City- was overwhelmed with its history, viewing it from the Mt. of Olives and seeing where the Lord had been and where he had to walk his last hours. Awed by the many churches represented throughout the city and more vividly aware that the world comes to Jerusalem....that no matter who or what has tried to destroy it....God has favored it in these centuries!
6. The Sea of Galilee was wonderful....loved the seagull feeding and the boat ride....could have been longer....the museum showing the fishing boat that was probably like one the disciples used was an interesting excavation. Hearing and seeing the areas of the miracles around the Sea was fascinating....and eating at the Ein Gev was a real treat!
Some much more but others will share and tell.
